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Carns Serraplà

c/ Dr. Callís, 12 i Riera Sant Vicenç - Cadaqués (17488)
+34 972 258 340 - 972 159 295
We are Serraplà. We are butchers since 1978. We love our job. We are pleased to see people happy. Every day, when we raise the blinds, we feel it will be a special day.
We buy meat from farms in the region, which share the love for the land, which feed the animals with natural and organic products. We know the meat; we have been working on it for many years! We like to advise our customers and provide quality solutions for every day to those who trust us.
With the same care, we prepare cooked dishes and sausages at our workshop. We know that our customers have less time every day so we put things easier to them. We cook lifelong recipes and pack it especially for the microwave. Cannelloni, macaroni, meatballs, croquettes, salad, chickpeas, etc. We offer traditional dishes but also seasonal ones to make the most of the products in the market. From the best meat in the area we prepare our easier to cook products. Sausages, burgers, brochettes, etc. Pleasure also comes from the simple things. With Serraplà products you will enjoy the simple things.